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Glenfarclas 105 Old Version 8 years Cask Strength Single Speyside Malt Whisky 60%

Whiskymessen 2025
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,2.299,00  DKK
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    Bedømmelse for Glenfarclas 105 Old Version 8 years Cask Strength Single Speyside Malt Whisky 60%
    Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 baseret på 1 stemmer

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Destilleri: Glenfarclas 105 Alder: 8 år Type: Single Speyside Malt Whisky Alc. styrke: 60 % 75 cl. Andet:
Glenfarclas 105° /
75cl / 60%
Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Distillery Bottling
An old release of Glenfarclas's popular 105 proof whisky.

Glenfarclas 105 Cask Strength er kåret af Malt Maniacs til "Best Buy for your Bucks" eller på dansk - det bedste whiskykøb til pengene.

Flot farve af tørv og guld. Duften er kompleks med nuancer af æbler, pærer og sød, mørk toffee. Smagen er tør og krydret med elementer af tørret frugt og frisk træ. Eftersmagen er fantastisk blød - også når man tager alkoholpro

Colour: Deep peaty-gold.
Nose: Complex, oaky, apples and pears, and a tempting dark toffee sweetness.
Flavour: Dry and assertive, develops quickly to reveal a rich spiciness, combined with a hint of oak and sherried fruit.
Finish: Amazingly smooth for the strength; wonderfully warming and with a lingering smokiness, yet very rounded.

Comment: A great whisky holding all the flavours of all the Glenfarclas in one glass. Being so warming, this is the perfect Hogmanay dram. Don’t be afraid of the strength and order a 210, if you dare!

The smoothness makes the 105 drinkable at cask strength, but I suggest adding a little water to fully explore its great depth.

For its price to performance ratio, the Malt Maniacs named Glenfarclas 105 their ‘Bang for your Buck’ in 2004.

Glenfarclas er i dag et af de eneste tilbageværende familieejede destillerier i Skotland. Destilleriet, der ligger ved floden Spey i maltwhiskyens hjemstavn, Highlands, blev grundlagt i 1836 af løjtnant Robert Hay. Jorden lå umiddelbart op til kvægopdrætteren John Grants marker, så da Robert Hay i 1865 ville sælge sine jorde for at vende tilbage til England, var det naturligt for John Grant at slå til og købe jorderne samt det tilhørende destilleri.

Dette skulle vise sig at være en rigtig god investering, og i dag, næsten 150 år efter, er Glenfarclas verdenskendt for at producere nogle af de mest imødekommende og aromatiske whiskys i Skotland.

Vandet, som bruges i destillationsprocessen, hentes i en lille kilde, der udspringer fra Benrinnes-bjergene – og netop kombinationen af det meget rene, bløde vand og den helt specielle form på de anvendte pot-stills bidrager til Glenfarclas’ unikke stil.

Netop kombinationen af det meget rene, bløde vand og den helt unikke form på potstill'ene bidrager til Glenfarclas unikke stil. Når whiskyen er færdigdestilleret, lagres den på brugte fade, der enten er hentet i USA, hvor de tidligere er blevet brugt til lagring af bourbon, eller fra Spanien, hvor de har været anvendt til modning af Fino Sherry. Whiskyen lagres efterfølgende i minimum 8 år, før den frigives til salg.

Jim Murray skriver i Lademanns Whiskybog om Glenfarclas: " Jeg håber, at deres navn når vidt og bredt - deres malt bør opleves af enhver, der søger flydende skønhed."

“My great-great grandfather, John Grant, born in 1805, purchased Glenfarclas Distillery for £511.19s.0d on the 8th of June 1865. To this day, Glenfarclas Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky is distilled and matured at our family owned and run distillery, which thanks to the foresight of my forefathers remains independent. Creating a great malt whisky is a time-honoured process. Here in the heart of Speyside, my family has cherished the skills and traditions of fine malt whisky making, handing them down through six generations. We are proud to share our secrets with you”.

John L. S. Grant

Since 1865 Glenfarclas has been owned and managed by just one family, the Grants of Glenfarclas. On the 8th of June 1865 John Grant acquired the tenancy for the Rechlerich Farm and as part of the transaction purchased the Glenfarclas Distillery for £511.19S.0d. To this day Glenfarclas is one of only a few distilleries in Scotland to remain family owned and managed. Now in the hands of the fifth and sixth generation of the family, the Grants remain committed to the vision of creating the best quality Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky, in the traditional Speyside style.

George, son of John, is the sixth generation of the family and the company's Brand Ambassador. George joined the family business in 2000 after working for another Scotch Whisky Distiller, and the Glenfarclas distributor in Hong Kong; Fine Vintages (Far East) Ltd. George is passionate about Glenfarclas and particularly enjoys introducing whisky lovers to the older expressions of Glenfarclas, those distilled by his grandfather and watched over by his father.

Being a relatively small company you won’t find Glenfarclas in every supermarket, however the family were delighted when their commitment to quality and the traditions of the whisky trade were honoured in 2006 when Whisky Magazine named Glenfarclas 'Distiller of the Year', for 'being consistently good and staying true to its core values'

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