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Meukow Cognac

  • - 10%
    Meukow XO Fransk Cognac 70 cl 40%
    Varenr.: 22227865491-7002-
    Denne cognac kombinerer cognacer med op til 40 år på bagen. Den mahognifarvede Meukow XO Cognac fylder næsen med unikke duftoplevelser af iris og jasmin, der går over i aromaer af læder og tobak. Den runde, cremede og raffinerede smag er sammensat af dominerende noter af vanilje og chokolade kombineret med mandler, hasselnød og kandiseret appelsin, der afrundes af et strejf af tørrede frugter. Takket være den lange lagringsproces har cognacen en lang finish.

    Producent: Meukow
    Alder: op til 40 år
    Drue: Grande Champagne & Petite Champagne eaux-de-vie
    Land: Frankrig
    Type: X.O. Cognac
    Alc. styrke: 40 %
    70 cl.
    • 999,00
  • Meukow Cognac

    Meukow Cognac er en gammel og anerkendt producent af Cognac. Virksomheden blev grundlagt af to russiske brødre tilbage i 1862. De var tidligere blevet send til Cognac af den russiske Zar Alexander II med henblik på at indkøbe Cognac til det russiske hof. Efter et par ture til Frankrig blev de, og de etablerede deres eget Cognac-hus. Siden da er Meukow blevet overtaget af familien Coste, som står bag CDG International. Meukow’s kendetegn, Panteren, er i øvrigt tegnet for 10 år siden af den nuværende ejer.

    The two MEUKOW brothers, Auguste-Christophe and Gustave came from Silesia in the 1850’s sent over to France by the Tsar Alexander II with the assignment of supplying the Russian Royal Court with Cognac then founded the House A.C. MEUKOW & Co on the 1st August 1862. 

    A brochure printed in 1912 to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the firm, shows the considerable size of Meukow cellars and offices at the beginning of last century. Throughout the historical events, their successors kept developing the brand all over the world. Archives of the company shows shipments of Meukow to America, Argentina, China, Japan, Mexico…

    Meukow was sold in nearly all countries of the world and was universally recognized as one of the most reliable brands. 

    In 1979, A.C. MEUKOW & Co joined the CDG Group of Companies, 5th largest Cognac House, owned and managed by the Coste family, one of the most established Cognac family. Since the Eighty’s the brand is booming, taking advantages from a better organised commercial structure with agents all around the world. Particularly well known in the Far East markets, the Meukow Cognac is constantly gaining
    shares in the prestigious premium cognac market. 


    The original and constant quality of the Meukow Cognac made the reputation of the brand. Meukow always attached importance to offer the best quality Cognacs to the consumers, thanks to an old know-how in distillation, ageing and blending. Nowadays, the Meukow Cognac is coming in a superb and exclusive decanter with a Panther embossed in the glass. This beautiful animal perfectly symbolizes the intrinsic qualities of a true Cognac: strength and elegance together, sensuality and exotism.

    This universal timeless symbol is totally innovating, whilst other brands are more concerned by artificial values of their image which become more important than the product itself. With this new marketing concept, Meukow repositioned the product on a more concrete and credible image, that gives energy and self-confidence to the consumer and gives a chance to capture new trends. 

    Grapes used for Meukow are from Ugni Blanc. The Ugni Blanc is the best variety to guarantee every year, both a regular and consistent quality wine.
    Grapes are harvested just before full ripeness in strict sanitary conditions, from the first week of October. After fermentation, we obtain a perfect wine for the distillation…

    low alcohol content : 8 / 9 %< high acidity, natural stability rare and delicate aromas/em>
    … That will be concentrated during the distillation, offering the most refined eaux-de-vie.

    The wine is then distilled twice in the traditional « Cognaçais » pot still. This method will extract and preserve all the essences of the wine.

    As negociant, Meukow works very closely with wine producers and distillers to produce and select the best Eaux-de-vie that will be suitable for ageing.
    The distillation period takes place every years from the beginning of November until the 31st of March. 


    Ageing is a slow and natural process that will develop the flavours and colours of the Cognac, especially its amber tints and its well known « rancio » taste after many years.

    Meukow is aged in traditional french oaks barrels that provide the most elegant tannins. Our cellars are located in the city of Cognac, taking advantage of the proximity of the Charente river that ensure perfect climate conditions. Total capacity is about 10 000 HL of Pure Alcohol. 

    Very old eaux-de-vie and rare vintages, real treasures, are kept in small barrels and glass demijohn in our Paradis cellar, under our offices. Final blending will ensure the complexity and give the style of Meukow Cognac. Blends that enter the composition of every Meukow references, and that are identical all over the world, remain the secret of the Cellar Master. At this final stage of creation, Meukow benefits from the long and high expertise of our Cellar Master.
    By the complementary of its choice of eaux-de-vie from the best Crus of the Cognac region, Meukow produces Cognac known for their balance and harmony.

    • Meukow Nec Plus Ultra
    • Meukow Esprit de Famille
    • Meukow Extra
    • Meukow XO Grande Champagne
    • Meukow XO
    • Meukow Napoleon
    • Meukow VSOP Superior
    • Meukow VS
    • Meukow Vanilla
    • Meukow – 90