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Stronachie 10 år A D Rattray Benrinnes Single Speyside Malt Whisky 43%

Whiskymessen 2025
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    Bedømmelse for Stronachie 10 år A D Rattray Benrinnes Single Speyside Malt Whisky 43%
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Destilleri: Benrinnes Aftapper: A. D. Rattray Årgang: Alder: 10 år Type: Single Speyside Malt Whisky Fad nummer/type: Alc. styrke: 43 % Antal flasker: Un-chillfiltered Natural Colour Andet: 70 cl. Køb en 3 cl. sample af dette produkt - Klik her
A. Dewar Rattray

The actual Stronachie distillery is long, long gone. This is a brand that Dewar Rattray launched in an effort to replicate the style of whisky once produced at Stronachie -- apparently one of the Rattray folks had an ancient bottle of real-deal Stronachie, and after much exploration and experimentation, found that the whisky currently produced at Benrinnes most closely matched the antique Stronachie. Thus, Stronachie is actually Benrinnes whisky.

Tim Morrison er en af Islay’s whiskydinosaurer. Han købte Dewar Rattray, en uafhængig whiskyaftapper af meget høj kvalitet, i 2004. Men mest kendt er Tim nok for familiens tidligere ejerskab af Morrison Bowmore på Islay. Tim’s far, Stanley P. Morrison, købte Bowmore i 1963 for 117.000 britiske pund – i 1994 solgte familien firmaet videre til den japanske gigant, Suntory, for et ganske andet beløb… I dag er Tim Morrison en ældre gentleman, og specielt takket være ovenstående salg behøver han ikke længere arbejde for at få ”smør på brødet” – alt gøres nu kun af lyst!

Tim Morrison købte Dewar Rattray af to grunde. For det første var han fjerde generations efterkommer af Andrew Dewar, den ene af de to stiftere af firmaet i 1868. For det andet fordi han i 1989-1991, da han vidste, familien ville sælge Bowmore til Suntory, købte et særdeles stort antal fade fra forskellige destillerier for at aftappe og sælge under Dewar Rattrays navn. Fadene er stadig hjørnestenen i den nuværende forretning. Tim Morrison købte fra i alt 12 forskellige destillerier, og de suppleres nu med fade, han køber af brokere eller destillerier. Hvor mange af originalfadene, der er tilbage, er en forretningshemmelighed – men sikkert og vist er, at der også fortsat vil være base for at kunne producere de meget personlige, ofte lidt røgede whiskyer, som Dewar Rattray er blevet så kendte for over hele verden.

Since our company was founded in 1868, we have aimed to delight the whisky enthusiast. Today our principal activity is the selection, storage and bottling of exceptional malt whiskies. The A D Rattray Ltd whiskies which form our Cask Collection portfolio are sourced from distilleries throughout Scotland. This extensive range of whiskies is bottled at natural strength and colour without any unnecessary chill-filtration.

All of the flavour from the cask... a bottle

Founded by Andrew Dewar and William Rattray in 1868, A D Rattray began trading as an importer of French wines, Italian spirits and olive oil. More importantly, however, the company also established itself as a specialist in the field of blending and storage of malt and grain whiskies.

In the latter part of the 1800s A D Rattray Ltd came to represent a number of well-known Highland Malt distilleries - most notably Stronachie* - selling bulk whisky to West of Scotland wine and spirit merchants, publicans and the main Scotch whisky blending houses in and around Glasgow.

Like many other merchants, A D Rattray Ltd suffered during the crisis of the early 1900s and in the late 1920s the partners sold the business to William Walker. Well-established as a whisky broker, Walker set about expanding the business with the acquisition of a number of smaller merchants. Despite rationing during the 2nd World War, the company continued to supply the West of Scotland licensed trade until Walker's death. A D Rattray Ltd has returned to the family and is owned by Mr Tim Morrison, previously of Morrison Bowmore Distillers and fourth generation descendent of Andrew Dewar. A D Rattray Ltd's resurgence stems back to early 2004 when, using his extensive knowledge and expertise in the whisky industry, Mr Morrison bottled a selection of his own handpicked stock of whiskies for market release.

Today the company's principal purpose is to bottle unusual and exclusive casks of Scotch Whisky, with each one chosen to reflect the different styles of the six individual whisky regions of Scotland. Whether from Mr Morrison's own stock or independently sourced, only casks which are found to be of exceptional quality are bottled under the A D Rattray Cask Collection label and released into selected markets.
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