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Highland Park Ragnvald The Warrior Series Single Orkney Malt Whisky 44,6%

Whiskymessen 2025
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,4.299,00  DKK
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    Bedømmelse for Highland Park Ragnvald The Warrior Series Single Orkney Malt Whisky 44,6%
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Highland Park Ragnvald The Warrior Series Single Orkney Malt Whisky 44,6%

Highland Park Ragnvald whisky er en del af The Warrior Series - en super lækker røget Single Orkney Malt Whisky på 44,6%. Oprindelig lavet til Global Retail, men det er lykkedes at få fat i et par flasker af denne lækre sag fra Highland Park.

Destilleri: Highland Park Ragnvald Global Retail Limited Edition
Alder: NA
Type: Single Orkney Malt Whisky
Alc. styrke: 44,6 %
70 cl.
Andet: med flot træ æske - The Warrior Series

As rich and fulfilling as the Orkneyinga Saga itself, this highly complex and exclusive expression of Highland Park demonstrates an accomplished medley of flavours and aromas. Balancing the finest quality European oak with a small portion of striking American oak casks, this whisky is refined and experienced like its well-travelled namesake, Ragnvald. Ragnvald was one of the most pioneering of all Vikings, a noted sailor and master explorer of unchartered waters, his nautical accomplishments and riches of fabrics, exotic spices and precious stones from across Europe were widely celebrated. Highland Park Ragnvald not only highlights some of the very best craftsmanship from our accomplished whisky maker, Max McFarlane, but also the synergy and harmony gained in sourcing the best and most seasoned casks from our warehouses. Tasting Notes Colour: Medium russet, clear and bright Nose: Ripe damsons, oriental spices, candied peel and night scented stock Palate: Well-balanced smoke and sweet, grated nutmeg, vanilla pods and high cocoa chocolate Finish: Complex lingering gingery spiciness and smoke
The Warrior Series is a range of six single malts whiskies showcasing the very best of Highland Park. Offering a spectrum of flavours but grounded in Highland Park’s gently smoky but surprisingly sweet character, the palate experiences a full flavour journey from start to finish, beginning with lighter vanilla and citrus flavours and moving to more complex, richer and sweeter flavours. Highland Park has strong Viking roots and this is celebrated throughout the collection. Uniting legends and characters famed for their battle skills, The Warrior Series brings Highland Park’s dramatic heritage to life in a vivid and innovative way. Sigurd Svein Einar Harald Ragnvald Highland Park er fremstillet på verdens nordligste destilleri på de legendariske Orkney Øer. Highland Park opføres I 1798 på netop de øer, som efter sigende havde tilhørt en kendt whiskysmugler. Smugleren Magnus Eunson nød godt af en stærk position inden for kirken, og kunne derfor passe sin sidegeschæft i al uforstyrrethed. Hvem ville mon finde på at søge efter den forbudte vare under prædikestolen? Highland Parks unikke karakter skyldes den tørv, der anvendes som brændsel ved tørring af kornet. Netop denne tørv har i århundreder absorberet salte bølger, og afgiver et lyngagtigt anstrøg til whiskyen. Whiskyen lagres på egetræsfade i mindst 12 år. Lidt efter lidt modnes whiskyen og den fyrige smag mildnes og whiskyen opnår en usædvanlig blød karakter. En varsom og tidskrævende proces som garanterer, at denne whisky når sin perfektion. Michael Jackson, forfatter til mange kendte bøger om whisky beskriver Highland Park som "the greatest all-rounder in the world of malt whisky"
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