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Knob Creek Rye Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 50%

Whiskymessen 2025
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,599,00  DKK
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    Bedømmelse for Knob Creek Rye Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 50%
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Knob Creek Rye Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 50%

Knob Creek Rye Whiskey har en flot kobberfarve med mørkebrune nuancer. Aromaerne har noter af egetræsfade, nødder og rug. Paletten er ekstraordinær fyldig whiskey bourbon med en karakteristisk tørhed med sødlige hint af ahorn sukker, eg og karamel. Finishen er lang og blød. Nyd Knob Creek Rye i et Glencairn glas

Destilleri: Knob Creek Rye
Type: Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey
Alc. styrke: 50 %
70 cl.

Knob Creek har en flot kobberfarve med mørkebrune nuancer. Aromaerne har noter af egetræsfade, nødder og rug. Paletten er ekstraordinær fyldig whiskey bourbon med en karakteristisk tørhed med sødlige hint af ahorn sukker, eg og karamel. Finishen er lang og blød.

Knob Creek er opkaldt efter Abraham Lincoln’s fødeby i Kentucky. Thomas Lincoln Abraham Lincoln’s far, solgte sin gård for tyve dollars og ti fade bourbon før han flyttede familien til Indiana.

Knob Creek er en håndlavet Rye whiskey, som kun produceres i begrænsede mængder.
Knob Creek er 100 proof og skabt til at afspejle de rye noter, som var definerende under forbudstiden i USA. Derfor bliver Knob Creek stadig fremstllet i henhold til den originale familieopskrift. Knob Creek er en Kentucky Straight Bourbon whisky som produceres af Beam Inc. i Clermont, Kentucky. Knob Creek er et af Jim Beams fire Small Batch Bourbon brands, som en del af Jim Beams super-premium sortiment. Ud over Knobs Creek, indgår også Booker’s, Baker’s og Basil Hayden’s heri, det er dog kun Knob Creek, som er tilgængelig i Danmark.

Oprindelse: Kentucky, USA

Kentucky Straight Bourbon has always been our specialty, but apparently now, Kentucky Straight Rye is too. The judges at the world-renowned San Francisco Spirits Competition have named Knob Creek Rye Whiskey the "Best Rye," and bartenders across the nation are calling it the benchmark. Thanks to Booker Noe's original vision for big flavor, your cocktails are in for quite a treat.

Knob Creek Rye is still made in small batches, patiently aged in the deepest charred barrels and bottled at a full 100 proof to maintain our approach to big flavor. Only instead of corn as the master grain, it's rye. We happen to use the highest quality rye. It's what gives you that unique spicy, smooth flavor that changes your cocktails forever.

Start with a classic Old Fashioned or Manhattan and then try it with a range of drinks. Or just sip it neat or with ice. It doesn't matter how you drink it, it’s all about how you enjoy it
Made with a blend of the finest quality rye to create an extraordinarily smooth yet spicy finish.

Color: Shades of gold to light amber.
Taste: Bold rye spiciness with undertones of vanilla and oak.
Aroma: Expansive notes of herbs and rye with nuances of oak.
Finish: Warm and smooth with spice throughout.

Like the bourbon, the packaging pays attention to the details. With a bottle reminiscent of a bootlegger’s flask, it embodies the unpretentious, handmade look and feel of turn-of-the-century bourbon. The observant eye will notice newsprint scrawled on the label—harkening back to the decades-old custom of wrapping bottles at the distillery in newspaper.
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